The Parish of Whitmore has an area of about 20 square miles and has six settlements. There are around 650 dwellings and a 1999 Mid-Year Population Estimate of 1410. The Parish varies in height from 137 – 182 metres above sea level and there are outstanding views to all points of the compass and the higher surrounding hills create an intimate feel to the countryside. Surprisingly, rain that falls in the Parish may end up in the North Sea, the Bristol Channel or the Mersey as the main watershed of England lies just outside the Parish. There are traces of human occupation and land use in the Parish over the last 4000 years. For instance, the late Neolithic tumuli in Maer Hills, a late Iron Age hill fort known as “The Borough”, the Roman camp on Camp Hill, the Roman Signal Station in Manor Road and Saxon associations with Whitmore Hall and Church. The parish comprises five main settlements;
Local Consultation on Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (Regulation 14)
12:00 noon, 19 September 2018 to 12:00 noon, 31 October 2018
The Draft Neighbourhood Plan is available to read online or download via the following link: Draft Neighbourhood Plan
Supporting evidence for the Plan is accessible in the Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base.
Printed copies of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan are available for inspection at the following locations:
Chapel Chorlton church
Maer church
Whitmore village hall
Drop-in event
Whitmore village hall, 10:00am to 3:00pm, Saturday 13 October 2018
Responding to the consultation
Responses to the consultation can be submitted using the online form, or by letter addressed to Whitmore Parish Council. All consultation responses must be received by 12:00 noon on Wednesday 31 October 2018. No responses received after that time can be considered.
Parish Councils Privacy Notice regarding NDP
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