Jubilee Gardens

There are two entrances to Jubilee Gardens.

One at the end of the railway bridge on the A53.

The other is located off Fairgreen Road near the BT exchange.

The Parish Council resurfaced the entrance from the A53 during 2014.

With your help and support it might be possible to bring about further improvements over time.

Friends of Jubilee Gardens

The Parish Council would like to encourage people to get involved in the future of this small park. We would like to get a group together to help develop this lovely area and make it more relevant to local people. The Parish Council is working on a long term plan of improvements and will consult on these ideas.

Specific improvements might be to;

  • change the planting schemes
  • improved manicuring of the gardens
  • add of children’s planting areas
  • bring in more seating
  • provide picnic table
  • create a local edible plant area
  • clear the undergrowth from beneath the trees and create a woodland area.

The aim is to make sure that Jubilee Gardens is relevant to local people.

If you’re interested please get in touch with Parish Councillor Carl Evans on 07775 774740 or email carl@carlevans.co.uk.