Gateway Housing Development

Gateway Housing Development

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Kier Exhibition Proposals

Hourigan Connolly Chartered Town Planners – Consultation

Joint Response to Kier Hourigan Connolly Consultation from Whitmore Parish Council & Baldwins Gate Action Group RESPONSE TO PUBLIC CONSULTATION EVENT

December 2015
Responce from Hooligan Connolly to Whitmore Parish Council 2015-12-04 Response to Parish Council

January 15th 2016
The Planning application for the hoarding erected to advertise the Kier development has been approved. Decision – 15.1005.ADV
Whitmore Parish Council registered and objection to the planning application

January 3rd 2016

A joint representation was made by Whitmore Parish Council and the Baldwins Gate Action Group (BGAG) to Application No. 15/01106/REM concerning Reserved Matters relating to a housing development at the end of Gateway Avenue in Baldwins Gate.

 Particular attention was drawn to;

item (2) dealing with Public Rights of Way

item (5) dealing with Maintenance of the Green Spaces etc.

item (6) dealing with safety concerns. Most especially the Risk of FATALITY for young children should they be able to enter the Swales when they are full of water.

item (11) dealing with the setting up of a Liaison Group. For reference, the current ‘Acton In-Farm Green Waste Composting Operation’ was permitted by Staffordshire County Council (SCC) in response to Application Number N.05/16/230.W 21st November 2006. The Liaison Committee was set up at the request of local residents, being formalised under Condition 7 contained within an S106 Agreement dated 10th November 2006 by SCC. Whitmore Parish Council believes that, should this development go ahead, it is essential that a Liaison Committee be required to be set up, by formal Condition.

The joint submission and related appendices can be accessed below.

BGAG-WPC Comments
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
Appendix V
Appendix VI
Appendix VII

April 29th 2016 The Kier planning application for ‘Reserved Matters’ was REFUSED by the Planning Committee 26th April 2016. The Refusal notice is available on the NULBC Planning Portal web Site. A revised application will be made in the near future.

October 2016 Kier have been granted full planning permission for this development with the acquiescence of both Whitmore Parish Council and the Baldwins Gate Action Group, as a result of Kier having formally committed to resolving all of the issues raised with them.

Residents Liaison Meetings

Baldwins Gate Residents Liason Meeting 9th March 2017 – Minutes
Baldwin’s Gate Residents Liaison Meeting 2nd May 2017 – Minutes