WPC Petition to the Select Committee, April 2018
Select Committee Decision 24 May 2018
WPC Petition 2017 re HS2-Phase 2a
2017 September 30th HS2 Whitmore Parish Council Consultation Response
2016 March 10th Site visit to Whitmore by HS2
Copy of HS2 and Whitmore. 23.3.16
The response from Whitmore Parish Council to the HS2 Consultation concerning the ‘Working Draft Impact Assessment Report; Volume 2: Community Area Report CA4: Whitmore Heath to Madeley response-to-hs2-working-draft-environmental-impact-report
Whitmore Parish Council letter to Sir William Cash MP 29th October 2016 detailing possible route options for HS2 and urging him to press the Secretary of State to have them evaluated wpc-letter-to-sir-bill-cash-mp-29-october-2016
Sir William Cash MP letter to the Secretary of State Rt. Hon. Chris Grayling MP 3rd November 2016 sir-william-cash-letter-to-chris-grayling-mp-3-november-2016
Whitmore Parish Council letter to Mr Jim McConolougue for the attention of William Cash MP 14th November 2016 presenting a challenge to the justification for our stretch of HS2 based on the need to increase capacity wpc-letter-to-sir-william-cash-14-november-2016
HS2 Consultation Hansard Online record of Sir William Cash representations in the House of Commons 24th November 2016 Volume 617 hs2-consultation-hansard-24-november-2016
Andrew Jones letter to Sir William Cash 5th December 2016
Gavin Barwell MP letter to Sir William Cash 6th December 2016
Andrew Jones MP Letter in response to questions from WPC 24 January 2017